Therapy in the comfort of your own space via video technology.
How it Works
Browse profiles of therapists and choose your preference
Check available slots on your chosen therapists calendar
Click “Join Room” at
the time of appointment
Rate your therapist after your session
Therapy sessions offered:
Face-to-face online sessions from the comfort of wherever you choose with either a counsellor, psychotherapist or a psychologist.
Other features:
Please note Marpe Wellbeing provides a non-emergency service. If your life is at threat or this is an emergency or crisis, we recommend that you seek urgent medical attention by calling 999 or attending your nearest accident and emergency. If you would like to talk so someone now, you may call Samaritans on 116 123.
Our Therapists
Who is who?
Counsellor? Psychotherapist? Psychologist?
There is a lot of overlap in all three professions; however, they do have their differences, and one of which is in their level of qualification.
Typically psychotherapists undergo a longer training than counsellors. While counselling psychologists have a higher level of qualifications - typically doctorate degrees.
Another difference is in the approach used:
Counselling psychologists tend to approach therapy from a more scientific angle. Psychotherapists use several approaches to deal with issues you may be facing but at a more greater depth than counsellors whom usually addresses more short term and acute issues.
The amount and variability and level of experience is not determined by their title, and therefore we would encourage you to look into the therapists profile including their specialities to see which therapists is the best match for you.
Registered Company #12561490